Range Rover Classic “Suffix A” 1971

February 2019
Final details
October 2018
Nearly there.
Located a set of new old stock front floor mats in Finland – date of production April 1971 fits perfectly…
April 2018
main panels had to be resprayed again for good result – two layers of varnish on top
March 2018
The restoration of #614A is proceeding very rapidly now.
front mudflaps were officially available as a dealer-fit option since October 1972, but always a legal requirement in some countries like Finland
March 2018:
the body panel here is dusty, they were painted already in 2016.
The already well performing engine has got new bearings, piston rings, timing gear, camshafts, lifters, oil pump etc. Carburetters were rebuilt, new clutch assembly fitted, radiator re-cored and the list goes on.
February 2018:
The chassis was sandblasted and box sections waxoyled before respray. All suspension, brake and drive train components were restored preserving as much originality as possible and using correct type new parts where needed:
Engine, transmission as well as the front and rear axles are all numbered.
Knowing all of the previous owners it can be said for certain that they are the original components.
The factory didn’t keep records of the engine numbers fitted but engine no 3833 fits perfectly with the total of than 3000+ RHD cars built by end of 1971 and our LHD chassis number 614
Always well kept, still with original moulded floor mats and near perfect rear seat in Palomino PVC – the only available interior for the first years of production.
The front seats were covered in vinyl in the 90’s – not a bad attempt but now redone in correct shape and colour:
original chassis plate and restored instrument pinnacle
new spare keys, including the one for extreme emergency situations…
Classic Folio in leather, for the documents
original service book
Tekniikan Maailma magazine from 1972 with comparison road test against Ford Bronco, Toyota Land Cruiser, Jeep Wagoneer and GAZ 69M(!) The Masai Red Range Rover came on top with most criteria, no winner announced.
As found:
completion October 2018. yes, finally.
history and more information
2.7.2018I am so glad I found this!!!
I am currently restoring a 1974 2 door.
I have a few questions.
The major one is where did you get the trim for the interior I cant seem to find anyone stocking it in palermino??
Harri Asunta
3.7.2018Dear Nathan. Your best contact for parts and interior vinyl in Palomino is Famous Four in the UK. 1974 is somewhat easier to make correct than a 1971 Suffix A. Kind regards, Harri
Rezaur Rahman
27.9.2018Love to visit the web pages for its lucrative look and well organized information
Harri Asunta
20.10.2018Thank you kindly